
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Spring has........Erm... Gone all white!!!!

Morning Peeps!
Just a quickie. Well after all my last few posts waxing lyrical about the beautiful spring we are having!!
Aaaaarrrrghhhh!!!!!! and it's blizzarding as I type!!! Of course No.1 son and dog have already been out playing in the garden!! I of course woke up at 4am and you know when you can just tell??? it's a little to bright and still!! well I haven't been sleeping too well and of course then I'm laying in bed thinking "oooh I wish I had done my shopping yesterday" yes folks I am running out of milk, bread and just about everything else! So I get back to sleep at around seven, only to be woken at 7.45 by "MUM it's snowed"!!!!!!  well D'uh!!!!  Will have to pull on boots and try walking to local shops to see if there is anything left!! wish me luck!!
Jacqui P x


  1. OMG! You wouldn't know we were in the same country, Jacqui! It's a bit nippy here and quite windy, but sunny and a bright blue sky. I wonder if the snow's heading our way later today? Hopefully you'll get to the shops and/or the sun will come out and the stuff will disappear! Stay warm! Tracey x
